C Program to implement an AVL tree

       /* Program to implement an AVL tree. */
        #include <stdio.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>
        struct avlnode
            int data;
            struct avlnode  *left;
            struct avlnode  *right;
            int      height;
        typedef struct avlnode *position;
        typedef struct avlnode *avltree;
        avltree makeempty( avltree T )
            if( T != NULL )
                makeempty( T->left );
                makeempty( T->right );
                free( T );
            return NULL;

        position find( int X, avltree T )
            if( T == NULL )
                return NULL;
            if( X < T->data )
                return find( X, T->left );
            if( X > T->data )
                return find( X, T->right );
                return T;

        position findmin( avltree T )
            if( T == NULL )
                return NULL;
            if( T->left == NULL )
                return T;
                return findmin( T->left );

        position findmax( avltree T )
            if( T != NULL )
                while( T->right != NULL )
                    T = T->right;

            return T;

/* START: fig4_36.txt */
        static int height( position P )
            if( P == NULL )
                return -1;
                return P->height;
/* END */

        static int Max( int Lhs, int Rhs )
            return Lhs > Rhs ? Lhs : Rhs;

/* START: fig4_39.txt */
        /* This function can be called only if K2 has a left child */
        /* Perform a rotate between a node (K2) and its left child */
        /* Update heights, then return new root */

        static position SingleRotateWithleft( position K2 )
            position K1;
            printf( "\nin SingleRotateWithleft\n" );
            K1 = K2->left;
            K2->left = K1->right;
            K1->right = K2;

            K2->height = Max( height( K2->left ), height( K2->right ) ) + 1;
            K1->height = Max( height( K1->left ), K2->height ) + 1;

            return K1;  /* New root */
/* END */

        /* This function can be called only if K1 has a right child */
        /* Perform a rotate between a node (K1) and its right child */
        /* Update heights, then return new root */

        static position SingleRotateWithright( position K1 )
            position K2;
            printf( "\nin SingleRotateWithright\n" );
            K2 = K1->right;
            K1->right = K2->left;
            K2->left = K1;

            K1->height = Max( height( K1->left ), height( K1->right ) ) + 1;
            K2->height = Max( height( K2->right ), K1->height ) + 1;

            return K2;  /* New root */

/* START: fig4_41.txt */
        /* This function can be called only if K3 has a left */
        /* child and K3's left child has a right child */
        /* Do the left-right double rotation */
        /* Update heights, then return new root */

        static position DoubleRotateWithleft( position K3 )
            /* Rotate between K1 and K2 */
            printf( "\nin DoubleRotateWithleft\n" );
            K3->left = SingleRotateWithright( K3->left );

            /* Rotate between K3 and K2 */
            return SingleRotateWithleft( K3 );
/* END */

        /* This function can be called only if K1 has a right */
        /* child and K1's right child has a left child */
        /* Do the right-left double rotation */
        /* Update heights, then return new root */

        static position DoubleRotateWithright( position K1 )
            /* Rotate between K3 and K2 */
            printf( "\nin DoubleRotateWithright\n" );
            K1->right = SingleRotateWithleft( K1->right );

            /* Rotate between K1 and K2 */
            return SingleRotateWithright( K1 );

/* START: fig4_37.txt */
        avltree Insert( int X, avltree T )
            if( T == NULL )
                /* Create and return a one-node tree */
                T = malloc( sizeof( struct avlnode ) );
                if( T == NULL )
                    printf( "Out of space!!!" );
                    T->data = X; T->height = 0;
                    T->left = T->right = NULL;
            if( X < T->data )
                T->left = Insert( X, T->left );
                if( height( T->left ) - height( T->right ) == 2 )
                    if( X < T->left->data )
                        T = SingleRotateWithleft( T );
                        T = DoubleRotateWithleft( T );
            if( X > T->data )
                T->right = Insert( X, T->right );
                if( height( T->right ) - height( T->left ) == 2 )
                    if( X > T->right->data )
                        T = SingleRotateWithright( T );
                        T = DoubleRotateWithright( T );
            /* Else X is in the tree already; we'll do nothing */

            T->height = Max( height( T->left ), height( T->right ) ) + 1;
            return T;
/* END */

        Delete( int X, avltree T )
            printf( "Sorry; Delete is unimplemented; %d remains\n", X );
            return T;

        retrieve( position P )
            return P->data;
        /* traverse a binary search tree in a LDR (left-Data-right) fashion */
        void inorder (avltree sr )
            if ( sr != NULL )
                  inorder ( sr -> left ) ;
                  /* print the data of the node whose leftchild is NULL or the path has
                     already been traversed */
                  printf ( "\t data = %d  height = %d", sr -> data, height(sr)) ;
                  inorder ( sr -> right ) ;
                  return ;
main( )
    avltree T;
    position P;
    int i;
    int j = 0;

    T = makeempty( NULL );
    for( i = 0; i < 10; i++, j = ( j + 7 ) % 10 )
        T = Insert( j, T );
    for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
        if( ( P = find( i, T ) ) == NULL || retrieve( P ) != i )
            printf( "Error at %d\n", i );
    inorder (T);
    /*for( i = 0; i < 50; i += 2 )
        T = Delete( i, T );

    for( i = 1; i < 50; i += 2 )
        if( ( P = find( i, T ) ) == NULL || retrieve( P ) != i )
            printf( "Error at %d\n", i );
    for( i = 0; i < 50; i += 2 )
        if( ( P = find( i, T ) ) != NULL )
            printf( "Error at %d\n", i );

    printf( "\nMin is %d, Max is %d\n", retrieve( findmin( T ) ),
               retrieve( findmax( T ) ) );
    printf( "\nheight is: %d", height(T));

    return 0;

in DoubleRotateWithright

in SingleRotateWithleft

in SingleRotateWithright

in SingleRotateWithright
         data = 0  height = 0    data = 1  height = 2    data = 2  height = 1    data = 3  height =
0        data = 4  height = 3    data = 5  height = 1    data = 6  height = 0    data = 7  height =
2        data = 8  height = 1    data = 9  height = 0
Min is 0, Max is 9

height is: 3

Bhanu Namikaze

Bhanu Namikaze is an Ethical Hacker, Security Analyst, Blogger, Web Developer and a Mechanical Engineer. He Enjoys writing articles, Blogging, Debugging Errors and Capture the Flags. Enjoy Learning; There is Nothing Like Absolute Defeat - Try and try until you Succeed.

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